Friday, February 26, 2016

Homework over the weekend...

Don't forget your Winnipeg Jets permission slip! 

Français: Concours - présentations continuent la semaine prochaine
Journal - effort en français (lundi)
ELA: TUSC - second group (Monday, Feb 29)
All spelling activities finished up to Unit #16
Mathé: Résolution de problèmes - 2 questions (lundi)
ScNat: Chronomètres (due le 3 mars)
Chronomètres livret - Étape 2 (remplis par lundi)
Affiche philosophe!

Chornomètres - update

Nous travaillons forts sur les chronomètres en ScNat. Il faut les finir par le 3 mars

Assurez-vous que c'est tous complèter à l'école. 

Bonne chance! :)


Felicitations à...
qui ont présenté leur concours aujourd'hui!!

Up next...
Elijah, Garnet, Troy M, Cole, Brooke, Logan

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Due this week...

ScNat - Affiche de philosophe (vendredi)
Français: On commence les présentations vendredi 
ELA: TUSC happens Thursday. (Spelling test Friday?)

Next week...
Mathé: Résolution de problèmes "révision des concepts": booklet will be due early next week (Tuesday-ish)
ScNat: Timers NO LATER than Thursday, March 3rd

Winnipeg Jets Practice - Monday, Feb 29th

We won the draw! 

We will be attending the Jets practice next Monday, from 9:30-12:30. Please bring a lunch and we will eat there. 
(You won't be able to buy lunch at the MTS Centre)

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


ELA - TUSC - Feb 25th (everyone)
Santé: Projet étoile - due le 14 fév 
ScNat: affiche philosophe (vendredi)
We will start building our timers tomorrow
Music: practice practice practice 


Monday, February 22, 2016

I Love To Read - TOMORROW

For I love to read month we will be heading to the Burton Cummings Theatre to listen to Ace Burpee, Brian Bowman (our Mayor!) and Fred Penner (I can't believe you don't know who he is!!!). I'm super excited and I hope you are too. 

Please bring in your permission forms if you have yet to do so!

Image result for ace burpee   Image result for brian bowman   Image result for fred penner