Monday, April 4, 2016

Welcome back!

I spoke with Mme Jones are your santé test is Wednesday

Homework for tonight:
FR: 3 phrases pour "pendant le relâche"
Mathé: p16-17 (travail décimal)

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Need work to keep you busy?

Homework over the break:
ScNat - projet de recherche (due le 4 avril)
ScHum - ligne de temps (due le 7 avril)
Santé: Test le 6 avril 
ELA - spelling tasks #17,19,20 (if you didn't finish on time)

**Please note** the following assignments were due this week and have yet to be handed in­. 

Mathé: affiche et devoirs (2 pages)
Kieran, Natalie 

Projet de recherche ScNat:
Kieran, Abolade, Natalie 

Journal FR:

Topelà!: ** not homework **
Kieran, Sebastian, Natalie 

Monday, March 21, 2016

In your pencil case...

I've noticed that MANY students do not have the items they need throughout the day. As the year goes by, it is important to do an inventory of our pencil cases to make sure we have everything we need. 

In your pencil case you should have:

  • at least 5 blue/black pens 
  • at least 5 pencils 
  • red pens (2 or 3)
  • highlighters (2)
  • eraser
  • scissors
  • pencil crayons
  • glue stick

Please make sure you have the necessary supplies for when school starts after Spring Break. You should replenish your pencil case when necessary!  

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


p.13 du livret décimal (due jeudi)
Triangles - affiche (deux côtés) due Mardi
Triangles - 2 pages du livret "plus d'un nom" et "identifions les triangles" due Mardi 

Topelà page #1 (due jeudi)

Projet de recherche (due either before or after Spring Break)
**You will have 4 periods to work in class, the rest is on your own. You choose if you have homework during the break. 

Friday, March 11, 2016

Missing assignments...

Résolution de problèms - les 8 questions de révisions
Bella     Kieran     Sebastian     Brooke     Natalie

Livret de chronomètre
Logan     Roginel     Kieran     Phillippe     Brynn     
Troy M   Abolade   Troy T     Aidan          Garnet

Concours d'arts oratoires

Félicitations à Camdyn et Bella qui vont participer à la concours d'arts oratoires au niveau de l'école!

J'aimerais aussi mentionner que les autres élèves ont vraiment bien faites et j'apprécie vos efforts! 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Mini FUD

The grade 6 mini leadership students at École Regent Park have as their goal to make a difference in our community. After seeing a few posts on Facebook about the Gifts of Grace Street Mission and the fabulous work that they do, we decided we wanted to help. On March 8th, 15 students got together to make sandwiches at the end of the school day. The students worked hard during our 45-minute mini leadership session and made 353 sandwiches

huge thank you to Sobeys Kildonan, Safeway on Kildare and KUB Bakery for their donations and assistance to ensure our sandwich making was a success!


ELA: Good copy of writing assignment is due Monday
Spelling test - Friday 
FR: Work on your "Parle-moi"
Mathé: Multiplication décimal (estimation)
ScNat: livret de chronomètre (vendredi at the latest)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Let's help Bella and her mom out!

Bella helped her mom make a video for her work at ADAM (Anxiety Disorders Association of Manitoba) and entered it in a Sunova sponsorship competition. 

Please select the link below and vote for their video!

The video is called ADAM - Anxiety Disorders Association of Manitoba in case the link takes you to the main page. 

You can vote everyday to help them out. 

Friday, March 4, 2016


Félicitations à...

Natalie, Brynn, Kaitlyn, Philippe, Camdyn et Landen 

...qui ont présenté mercredi et jeudi!

Il reste seulement Kieran et Troy T à présenter avant qu'on peut choisir nos gagnants de classe!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Félicitations à ...

Garnet, Roginel, Aidan, Braeleigh, Cassidy et Bella 

...qui ont présenté aujourd'hui!

Up next:
Natalie, Brynn, Troy T, Kaitlin, Philippe

Monday, February 29, 2016


Félicitations à ....

Cole, Elijah, Logan, Brooke, Abolade, Grace et Troy M

...qui ont présenté aujourd'hui!

Next up:
Garnet, Roginel, Aidan, Braeleigh, Cassidy et Bella

Friday, February 26, 2016

Homework over the weekend...

Don't forget your Winnipeg Jets permission slip! 

Français: Concours - présentations continuent la semaine prochaine
Journal - effort en français (lundi)
ELA: TUSC - second group (Monday, Feb 29)
All spelling activities finished up to Unit #16
Mathé: Résolution de problèmes - 2 questions (lundi)
ScNat: Chronomètres (due le 3 mars)
Chronomètres livret - Étape 2 (remplis par lundi)
Affiche philosophe!

Chornomètres - update

Nous travaillons forts sur les chronomètres en ScNat. Il faut les finir par le 3 mars

Assurez-vous que c'est tous complèter à l'école. 

Bonne chance! :)


Felicitations à...
qui ont présenté leur concours aujourd'hui!!

Up next...
Elijah, Garnet, Troy M, Cole, Brooke, Logan

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Due this week...

ScNat - Affiche de philosophe (vendredi)
Français: On commence les présentations vendredi 
ELA: TUSC happens Thursday. (Spelling test Friday?)

Next week...
Mathé: Résolution de problèmes "révision des concepts": booklet will be due early next week (Tuesday-ish)
ScNat: Timers NO LATER than Thursday, March 3rd

Winnipeg Jets Practice - Monday, Feb 29th

We won the draw! 

We will be attending the Jets practice next Monday, from 9:30-12:30. Please bring a lunch and we will eat there. 
(You won't be able to buy lunch at the MTS Centre)

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


ELA - TUSC - Feb 25th (everyone)
Santé: Projet étoile - due le 14 fév 
ScNat: affiche philosophe (vendredi)
We will start building our timers tomorrow
Music: practice practice practice 


Monday, February 22, 2016

I Love To Read - TOMORROW

For I love to read month we will be heading to the Burton Cummings Theatre to listen to Ace Burpee, Brian Bowman (our Mayor!) and Fred Penner (I can't believe you don't know who he is!!!). I'm super excited and I hope you are too. 

Please bring in your permission forms if you have yet to do so!

Image result for ace burpee   Image result for brian bowman   Image result for fred penner

Friday, February 19, 2016

Homework over the weekend (Feb 19)

ELA: TUSC - Thursday Feb 25
Mathé: Faire signer vos tests des angles
Français: Pratiquer vos concours (commence le 29 fév)
ScNat: Penser à votre projet - chronomètre 

**Get your "I love to read" outing letter signed**

Concours d'art oratoire!

We will start the presentations Feb 29. You have one more week to practice!! Be sure to practice looking at the audience, and memorizing what you want to say so that you don't have to read from your paper the entire presentation. 

Good luck :)